Facing Omicron, Biden predicts 'winter of serious illness and death' for unvaccinated

With more than 800,000 dead, the United States remains officially the most bereaved country in the world. The contagiousness of the Omicron variant worries the authorities.

Faced with the surge in https://lexcliq.com/elite-power-cbd-oil-review/ Covid-19 cases in the United States, Joe Biden predicted Thursday, December 16 a “winter of serious illness and death” to the unvaccinated. For the American president , “the only real protection https://groups.google.com/g/elitepowercbdoil/c/Zvq7ZECTIvA is to receive your injection”, insisting that the Omicron variant is “there” and will “begin to circulate much more quickly in the United States ”.

With more than 800,000 dead, the https://elitepowercbdoilbuy.footeo.com/news/2021/12/18/elite-power-cbd-oil-reviews-scam-or-legit-what-to-know-first country is officially the most bereaved in the world, according to the results of Johns Hopkins University. Around 450,000 https://forum.maidenfans.com/members/elitepowercbdoil.123694/#about deaths, the majority of unvaccinated people, took place in 2021, despite the availability from the spring of very effective and free vaccines. On December 1, the number of new daily https://promosimple.com/giveaways/elite-power-cbd-oil-review-does-this-cbd-oil-really-works/ cases in the United States was on average 86,000. As of December 14, it was 117,000, an increase of about 35% in two weeks.

Serious mine and incitement to vaccination

Firstly wanting to be reassuring https://www.businesslistings.net.au/CBD_Oil/New_York/Elite_Power_CBD_Oil_Review/685868.aspx on the Omicron variant, the White House has made a change of tone. A few weeks ago, Joe Biden asked not to “panic” in front of Omicron. On Thursday, he called in journalists at the end of a meeting devoted to the Covid-19 https://creativemarket.com/users/elitepowercbdoil pandemic to, he said, “send a message directly to the Americans”. 

Looking serious, he recalled https://www.kongregate.com/accounts/elitepowercbdoil Thursday that it was "of the utmost importance" to receive a booster dose for those vaccinated , and to "receive the first dose" for the others. Before this speech, the deputy spokesperson of the White http://www.authorstream.com/elitepowercbdoil/ House Karine Jean-Pierre had suggested that the administration would not take, for the moment, specific restrictive measures, to focus instead on vaccination.

Joe Biden, elected largely on a promise https://folkd.com/user/elitepowercbdoil to end the pandemic, unveiled a plan on December 2 that was supposed to protect the United States against a surge of cases, hospitalizations and deaths. But he had been careful not to take https://ebusinesspages.com/elitepowercbdoil.user very restrictive decisions, knowing the highly sensitive subject.

The weight of the republican opposition

Americans are weary of the pandemic, https://www.digi.com/support/forum/user/elitepowercbdoil and the tenors of the Republican opposition regularly rise up against all attempts to impose vaccines or the wearing of masks.

Faced with Omicron, the United States has closed its https://works.bepress.com/elitepowercbdoil/ borders to passengers from certain African countries, but has not taken other https://www.provenexpert.com/elitepowercbdoil/ restrictions, and has so far not imposed any reinforced health measures on domestic flights.

The president's room for maneuver is in any case reduced, as shown by https://fastestnewsrelease.blogspot.com/2021/12/photo-weekly-tornadoes-vaccine-doses.html the multiple legal proceedings initiated against the vaccine obligations he wants to impose on public and private companies.


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